Ministry Partners
At Hopeville Church, we believe it’s possible to accomplish much more together than we could ever manage on our own. We work closely with other groups whose missions are aligned with our own in hopes of having a greater impact together.
Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries is the largest ecumenical food pantry and soup kitchen in the city of Waterbury. Each month, GWIM serves thousands of meals, and allows families to shop and take home thousands more. They also provide resources to people in need of accessing public services, searching for employment, or learning new skills. A portion of the food we collect each month is sent to GWIM for use in their pantry. Learn more about GWIM at
The Hospitality Center
Where do you go when your overnight shelter forces you to leave three hours before the soup kitchen opens? If you’re in Waterbury, you can go to the Hospitality Center. The main service provided by the Hospitality Center is shelter from the elements, but while clients are there they have the opportunity to take a shower, do their laundry, use a computer, and collect mail. Service providers make regular appearances at the Hospitality Center, helping clients find employment, housing, medical treatment, and much more.
Information about the Hospitality Center, including success stories, can be found at
Hopeville Neighborhood Association
The Hopeville Neighborhood Association is committed to revitalizing and reinvigorating the Hopeville neighborhood of Waterbury. At 6:30 PM on the second Wednesday of each month, they gather to plan and implement next steps in making our part of the city a place where people are even prouder to call home. They don’t have a website yet, but you can come to a meeting and find out what this group is all about.
Piedmont Players
The Piedmont Players are a not-for-profit theatre troupe, holding dinner theaters at Hopeville church twice each year, in May and October. An ever-changing cast of players have put on over 30 shows in the past 20 years, including silly murder mysteries, critically acclaimed plays, and little-known gems. The Piedmont Players put on their performances solely for the joy of acting, and generously donate all ticket proceeds to the mission work of Hopeville Church. Several of the players are also members of our congregation.
As an Open and Affirming congregation, Hopeville Church is committed to being a place where all LGBTQI individuals feel safe, welcomed, and loved. We partner with several LGBTQI-focused groups. You can learn more about these partnerships at our LGBTQI Partnership page.